Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Collection

A day in fabulous lane

Today i nk cita psl brg2 yg i x sedar selama ni i ada wat simpan.contohnya tumbler2 yg aku bli ni...emmm..aku x sedar pun yg aku ada kumpul smpi 3 tumbler...kalo nk ikutkan kegunanyer smer cz cantik kot tu yg aku bli kecuali yg last tu tu ramey beli masa aku x da aku krim kat dia cheh!buruk tul tase dia.tumbler yg tu temanyer tuk moon cakes festivl.yg kedua tu yg warna pink tu..tu mmg aku beli sndri tema nya mmg sesuai cz masa 1st aku pndang aku trus jatuh cinta nk bli gak even time tu x da duit sgt tumbler tu size grande n tuk Vday.last tu aku suker cz warna dia n cz dia leh tahan panas dgn lebih lama. i likes...hahahhaaku juga sedar x sedau rupanya punya bayak kasut n bag..

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Frn...thnx

A day in fabulous lane

Theres a lot things happen in my life this few days...things that make me feel down n sad..things that make me smile,and things that i have to keep to myself...however i must keep positive, so i will attract a positive energy.hey is a law of the universe, law of attraction.But today i feel so sad...i feel that i being dump my frn.. i know they all bz with the new project "CAFE" but xkan nk ajak mkn pun x smpt..its only take 30-1hour not more thn that..i bebetul rasa mcm i kna tinggal..n i tau itu la yg akn i hadapi tuk sem depan but td nasib baik ada nini and naz leh teman i mkn..(cz i mmg x mkn sorg diri)nampaknya sem depan i have to face the reality that my frn dont have time 4 me no more.thyey will be bz with new biz and event, and i have to learn to eat alone coz nex sem nini and naz no longer around..i'm herd..i sangat2 sentap its not about mkn but its about our relation,mcm i ckp kt post sblum ni i just have u'll kat sini:( u guys have no idea how much i miss u'll during this very changeling weeks..i like to share all my prob to u gys but some of it i have to face by my self.